Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve answered your most frequently asked questions.
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What is Match?
Match, powered by Concourse, is an online platform where universities apply for students. Our revolutionary reverse admissions technology creates more opportunities for students, reduces counselor workload, and helps universities diversify and target their enrollments.
What problem does it solve?
Match enables universities around the world to discover students, assess their situations, and meet them where they are. Where there is a match, universities make admission and scholarship offers with no applications required.
How does it work?
Students take just 30 minutes to create a profile outlining their personal and educational interests and qualifications. Profiles are then certified before universities are presented with anonymized versions of the profiles that match their criteria. From there, universities make real offers of admission and scholarship.
Hang on. That’s it? Students create a profile…and get admission offers?
Yes, that’s it. Students create a single profile and can receive multiple admission offers from well-matched universities with no application required. That said, the more carefully completed the profile is, the more interest a student may receive from institutions. But at the end of the day, that’s it.
What if a school does not have a counselor?
That’s ok. Students can click here to create their free profiles.
If students are anonymous, how will universities know who they have admitted?
When students receive an offer from a university, they have the option to indicate Interested or Not Interested. When students indicate interest in a university, they agree to release their information to the university so that it can be entered into the university’s systems. And if the student does not see a good fit, they click Not Interested and remain anonymous.
Can students be interested in more than one offer?
Absolutely. Indicating interest is not a commitment for a student. It’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a student saying that they’re interested and asking the university to send them the offer package so they can fully assess it.
Are students required to enroll at a university that admits them?
No. Match is designed to bring students more options, not limit opportunities. While many receive favorable options through the platform, students can use Match in addition to completing traditional applications.
Who can use Match?
Any student in their final year of high school/secondary school or in a current gap year is eligible. High school guidance counselors, independent education counselors/consultants certified by HECA, IECA, or other certifying bodies, and other kinds of advisors such as EducationUSA, Matchlighters counselors, etc. are welcome.
When do students need Match?
Students may join Match any time during their final year of high school/secondary school. Many counselors introduce Match early in the academic year to bring students admission offers just as their final year is beginning. It’s a great way to relieve the stress of “getting in,” build confidence, and introduce students to new institutions and programs.
Many students return to Match later in the academic year if their personal, academic, or financial situation changes, or if they are not satisfied with their current admission offers.
Match is for all students who are actively seeking higher education opportunities.
How much time will this take?
Match is straightforward and user-friendly. For counselors, getting your students set up on the platform can be done in a single class period (30-45 minutes). In fact, we’ll even run the onboarding session for you. Just invite your students to a virtual session with us, and we’ll do the rest! By the end of the class, most students have created AND completed their profiles. Counselors can certify the profiles in less than a minute.
For universities, Match is very time-effective. Once a month, admissions representatives can expect to receive a list of well-matched candidates and will have 2 weeks to review the list and make offers. For most institutions, time spent on Match comes out to roughly 6-8 hours/month.
Where is Match available?
We support students, high schools/secondary schools, and universities around the world.
Are you compliant with data privacy laws?
Yes, we are. We protects students from spam by keeping them anonymous in the delivery of our services and comply with all relevant data privacy laws. Students decide if/when to share their information with institutions who have offered them admission. We make use of encryption and digital signatures throughout our platform. Overall, we have the strongest student data protection in the industry.
What if my student gets a UK offer they’d like to pursue, but they’ve already filled up their UCAS spots?
Students who have used all UCAS spots can discuss their specific options with UK universities who make offers to them through Match. The answer may vary depending on the institution, the time of year, and the availability of swapping choices, UCAS Extra and Clearing.
Want to learn more?
Please fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch.

If you have a question that was not addressed in this FAQ, please fill in the form below and a member of our team will contact you.