Concourse Connect for education fairs
Redesigning the way students and universities meet and keep in touch!
Concourse Connect for education fairs
Redesigning the way students and universities meet and keep in touch!
How is Concourse Connect better?

Within seconds, students can share their contact information with a university recruiter.
Less time completing inquiry cards means more time connecting with universities!

Students initiate the connection, and are able to verify the university rep they are sharing their information with. Only university reps with verified Concourse accounts will be able to receive student connections.

Concourse Connect eliminates the need for paper at education fairs. Universities can share viewbooks and info sheets via the app, and with virtual contact sharing, they can leave the inquiry cards and brochures at the office!

Data Driven
Connect provides fair organizers with a live dashboard which displays student attendance, activity, and engagement. Easily report on an event’s outcome to stakeholders, and plan for future fair success.
What are our users saying?
“Connect helped us to track student participation, helped students have meaningful conversations, and reduced student time per table.”
Kelly Braun
Head College Counselor and Organizer of International University Fair and Conference Saigon, Saigon South International School
Concourse Connect has facilitated thousands of student-university connections at education fairs around the world. From Nepal to China, Vietnam, and many more, counselors and fair organizers choose Concourse Connect because it works.
Fair organizers know that using Concourse Connect enhances the student and university experience, creates space for more opportunity, and provides them with valuable data.
The software is free for counselors and fair organizers.