What is Concourse?

Concourse helps you build connections with universities all around the world. At the Maple Leaf International Education Fair, use the Concourse APP to scan the university QR codes that you are interested in. You can keep in touch with them and ask questions about their programs, entry requirements, deadlines, scholarships, work opportunities, and other information.



How Does it Work?

Step 1: Download the App

Click this link to download and install the Concourse APP.

Step 2: Create an Account

Create your Concourse account using WeChat login. Click the button “I don’t have a Concourse Setup Card”. Fill out the simple one page form. You are ready!


How to Scan

Using the Concourse APP, click on the QR icon on the top right of your screen to open the scanner. Scan the university’s Concourse QR code. Click “Share and Connect”. Easy!



Strengthen your Profile

After the fair, add your preferences, test scores, skills, and extra-curricular activities to strengthen your profile. Strong profiles receive more university interest!