7 Tips to Maximize Student Yield 

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“Predictably unpredictable…” That’s my answer to any question involving teenage thought. As a father to 3 pre/teenagers and a former teacher and school counselor for 17+ years, I have learned that the teenage brain is the same anywhere you go. Whether at a large public high school, a CBO supporting underrepresented populations, or a private international school, I’ve found that the best way to describe the teenage mind is “predictably unpredictable.”  

Given the unpredictable nature of teenagers' thoughts, educators face the challenge of guiding them toward opportunities where they can thrive. This is where Match powered by Concourse comes into play. Match provides a unique platform for students to engage with universities that have sought them out and proactively offered admission. It’s a new method for everyone involved—counselors, students, and universities alike are learning how to navigate this new dynamic. It also requires creativity and thinking a bit differently than we have in the past. 

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of introducing my students to this platform, advising on its evolution, and helping university partners connect with students who may not have been easily accessible through traditional outreach methods. One of my favorite things is seeing how our partners creatively use this new fangled tool to make the most of its unique positioning- and I’m sharing my 7 essential tips to maximize use on the Concourse platform:

By Dominick Bruso
Senior Manager, Partner Success

1. Data Integration: It might seem obvious, but ensuring your CRM system is connected via one of our integration methods is priority number 1. After all, you can’t yield anyone that’s not in your system. We’ve done the hard work of sourcing, identifying, and vetting ideal students for you. You’ve taken the next step to review and admit them. Don’t drop your matches on the floor- and don't leave them second guessing. If your systems aren't connected, reach out – we'll help you plug in.

2. Be Strategic: Define your goal. Are you seeking new opportunities globally or reinforcing local efforts? Tailor your platform criteria accordingly. Be strategic – use parameters to keep your search relevant, but if your goal is to identify new pipelines, don’t squelch your opportunities by over-engineering your criteria. Once, a partner asked us what the most common minimum GPA cutoff was for universities like them. When we told them it was a 3.2, he replied, “Show me the 2.8-3.29s.” It wasn’t earth-shattering, but it was smart. And they got their offers in front of students who were likely receiving fewer options than others.

3. Communication Excellence: Tailor your communications to your strategy. Send timely admit letters, whether digitally or by mail, with a personalized touch. Consider crafting specific letters for Match students, highlighting the offer and any associated programs or scholarships. Remember, you may be competing for attention, so make sure your admission package stands out. Partners are expected to deliver official admission letters (outside of the platform) within 2 weeks of a match being made to provide clarity and share next steps. 

4. Stealth Engagement: You've probably already heard of stealth applicants, and savvy communicators have tailored plans for these elusive students. If you have a Stealth Comm Plan, extend it to Match students for thorough yield communications. A recent Concourse poll found that more than 80% of Match students had never heard of or considered  many universities they received offers from. Remember most of these students didn’t seek you out, so they have likely missed some of your most powerful communications typically sent before admission.

5. Multi-Social-Media-Mastery: Speak the language of teens: multimedia and social media. When my students considered a new school, their first stop was always social media. Make it effortless for them. Elevate your Concourse profile with links to recruitment videos and active social media platforms. Highlight and link your programs to engage their interests. The platform has evolved over the years to include more opportunities for you to showcase your institution. (For those of you who have YouVisit, your offers now include your virtual tours in them!) 

6. Let the Data Drive:  Don't get lazy with student data. Analyze where your matches originate to uncover valuable insights for future pipelines. Identify trends and explore regions where you lack engagement. Leverage the Concourse Team to access and interpret monthly/annual data and counselor information associated with your offers. Some of our most strategic partners reach out to us monthly to adjust where they want to focus their offers- often targeting locations they plan to be in person the following month. (Sometimes even hand delivering admission packages!) Engaging counselors you meet on Concourse off-platform/in-person has proven fruitful for many partners, opening doors previously closed.

7. Exclusive Events: Create events specifically tailored to Concourse users, whether on-campus or virtually. Invite admitted students to experience your institution firsthand. Don't overlook inviting parents too, fostering broader engagement. One of my favorite examples of this was last year, when Daemen University organized a memorable campus visit for matched students and their counselors in the NYC area. Alternatively, when traveling to other cities, extend invitations to Concourse counselors and accepted students for informal gatherings, showcasing what your institution offers.

As you dive into these strategies, keep an eye on our platform feature releases and updates. Laura’s monthly candidate list release emails often contain new feature notes (often suggested by many of you!) and her quarterly newsletter launches this month. Personally, I’m excited to see how the platform continues to evolve. We're eager to witness the innovative ways our partners utilize the Concourse platform to connect with students and counselors. And as we navigate this journey together, we'll continue to share practical tips and insights, ensuring that you make the most of this dynamic tool. Let's roll up our sleeves and shape the future of student engagement, one strategic move at a time.